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Group President Xu and His Delegation Visited RCCE in Ethiopia

Author: Zhang Qiyang release time: 2022-06-29 browsing number: 0



2022年6月27日,应埃塞俄比亚卓越癌症康养中心项目(RCCE项目)创始人兼总经理、东非政府间发展组织(简称IGAD)成员Dr. Melaku先生邀请,集团总裁、海外公司执行董事徐洪良与埃塞股份公司总经理王毓平、副总经理肖伟及市场部副经理张启洋一行至其私人府邸共进早餐,分享了其夫人精心准备的埃塞传统佳肴,并就RCCE项目前期准备工作情况、合同条款细节问题、未来合作的前景进行了沟通与交流。


总经理Dr. Melaku先生对徐总裁一行来家里做客表示热烈欢迎,并简要介绍了IGAD的组织机构、成立背景与发展理念,再一次说明RCCE项目是由东非八国政府间合作组织联合发起,旨在促进整个东非区域的前沿医疗水平和切实提高当地人民生活福祉的示范项目,对后续项目的推广有着重要意义。Dr. Melaku先生表示,通过这段时间的沟通和交流,其本人对集团有了进一步的了解,对该项目的顺利实施充满信心,并希望江水建设集团能够以此为契机,在东非八国的类似工程业务中取得优异成绩。


总裁徐洪良先生代表集团对Dr. Melaku总经理的友好邀请致以了诚挚谢意,并高度赞扬了RCCE项目的立项宗旨及增进人民福祉的现实意义,表示集团会在设计和施工方面全力以赴,确保高质高效将RCCE打造为东非区域合作标志性项目,并期待将来能够在东非八国展开更为多样性的合作。


RCCE项目全称为Regional Cancer Center of Excellency, 由东非八国政府间合作发展组织IGAD发起,旨在促进整个东非区域的前沿医疗水平并提高人民福祉。

东非政府间发展组织 (Inter-Governmental Authority on Development -IGAD,伊加特) 由埃塞俄比亚、吉布提 、肯尼亚、苏丹、索马里、乌干达和厄立特里亚和南苏丹8个东非国家组成,总部设在吉布提共和国。该组织的职能从早期的抗旱、防止沙漠化、确保粮食供应以及环境保护等扩展到了经济合作、加强基础设施建设以及改善成员国之间交通联系等领域,对整个东非未来的发展有着重要协调及推进作用。根据RCCE项目规划,其总部将会在该项目内设立IGAD埃塞俄比亚中心。




参加本次会晤的还有RCCE项目总工程师Prof. Solomon及财务负责人Tesfaye。


On June 27,2022, at the invitation of Dr. Melaku, founder and general manager of RCCE (Regional Cancer Center of Excellency)project in Ethiopia, as well as  IGAD(Intergovernmental Authority on Development)member,Xu Hongliang, JWHC Group President, Executive Director of JOCC,and his delegation,including Wang Yuping, general manager of JWHC Ethiopia Ltd, Xiao wei,deputy general manager,  and zhang Qiyang, deputy marketing manager, had communication in his private house on preparation, contract terms details, future cooperation prospects concerning the RCCE project, while sharing the traditional Ethiopian cuisine breakfast carefully prepared by his wife.

Dr. Melaku had a warm welcome to President Xu and his delegation at home. He briefly introduced the IGAD organization,its background and development concept. Jointly launched by eight IGAD members to promote the forefront of the east Africa regional medical level and effectively improve the local people life well-being,he stressed the RCCE demonstration project had great significance to the subsequent project. Having a further understanding of JWHC Group through series of communication, Dr. Melaku was full of confidence in the smooth execution of the project, It's his sincere wish that JWHC Group could take this opportunity to further achieve excellent results in similar engineering business in IGAD members.

JWHC President Xu with Dr. Melaku (second from right), the founder of the RCCE project, and the senior managers

President Xu, on behalf of the JWHC Group, extended sincere thanks to Dr. Melaku for his friendly invitation, and highly praised the RCCE project purpose and its practical significance to local people's well-being. JWHC Group will focus on design and construction aspects, committed to  build a high quality and efficient landmark project of regional cooperation in East Africa,and look forward to a more diverse cooperation in east Africa in the future.

Conceptial View of  the Regional Cancer Center of Excellency Project

The RCCE project, called Regional Cancer Center of Excellency, was initiated by IGAD,which aims to promote frontier medical care and improve the well-being of the people throughout the East African region.

Inter-Governmental Authority on Development(IGAD) consists of eight East African countries: Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, Eritrea and South Sudan, headquartered in the Republic of Djibouti.IGAD's function have expanded from initial drought resistance, desertification prevention, ensuring food supply and environmental protection to economic cooperation, strengthening infrastructure construction and improving transportation links among member states, and have played an important role in coordinating and promoting the future development of all East Africa.According to the RCCE project plan, IGAD Ethiopian Center will be set up within RCCE headquarters.

The talk were  candid and friendly during the whole meeting. This will surely boost mutual trust between the two sides,  a solid foundation for the orderly progress of the RCCE project.

The attendee also included RCCE chief engineer Prof. Solomon, and finance chief Mr. Tesfaye. 

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